Radiation Protection Courses | Radiation Training Online
Quality online radiation training when you need it. We provide expertly-developed tailored training for those working with ionising radiations.
RPS training for those working in the UK oil and gas industry under IRR17 (covers NORM, nucleonic gauges, radiography, XRF analysers, etc)
RPS training for those working with sealed sources and X-ray equipment in Great Britain under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017
Visitors to radiological designated areas are often escorted. It is important that they are aware of the radiological hazards that may be present in these areas and understand the types of control measures that should be followed before entry.
Based on UK IRR17 requirements.
Based on UK IRR17 requirements.
Based on UK IRR17 requirements.
Our online training course aims to provide a basic awareness of the radiation hazard for employees who use handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) equipment and an understanding of how to avoid significant radiation doses in the workplace.
Awareness training on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) / Low Specific Activity (LSA) substances. Course raises awareness of the associated hazards and required control measures to help individuals safely carry out work/visits.
This training course is designed to provide you with a general awareness of the principles and requirements of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Practicable Means (BPM) within both the nuclear and non-nuclear industries.
This course aims to provide training to help meet the requirements specified in the professional guidance associated with referring patients under the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (IRMER).
Radiation passbooks are used by classified persons for entry to other employers' controlled areas. It is essential that it is kept up to date. This training course is for persons who need training to update radiation passbooks for their employer.
Our criticality training is pitched at a basic awareness level. It aims to provide delegates with a basic understanding of criticality safety and an understanding of how accidental criticality is avoided in the workplace.
Awareness training on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) / Low Specific Activity (LSA) substances. Course raises awareness of the associated hazards and required control measures to help individuals safely carry out work/visits.
Our criticality training is pitched at a basic awareness level. It aims to provide delegates with a basic understanding of criticality safety and an understanding of how accidental criticality is avoided in the workplace.
We are continually developing and improving our online radiation training courses.